Soul Shine Guatemala

 A Soul’s Journey from Rule to Soulshine

The story that led to the birth of Soulshine unfolded not under the clinical glow of office strip lighting, but beneath the brilliant, sun-drenched skies of Central America. It began a decade ago in a moment sparked by an aesthetic curiosity that evolved into a heartfelt humanitarian cause, strengthened by the power of connection, empathy, and relentless human spirit. 

Driven by her work in architecture and interior design, Nicole Gould Kristmann found herself commissioned to projects scattered around the globe. A trip to Belize presented her with the sight of a stunning fabric. Its vibrant colors were like nothing she had seen before, and she was drawn by the silent storytelling threads, intricate symbolism, and the warmth they encapsulate. Discovering its origins led her to the border of Guatemala.

Once back on American soil, the material draped over her horse brought a sense of magic. The natural dye from mushrooms and berries expertly fashioned by Mayan weavers fascinated her. It was this enchantment that led to the creation of a saddle pad, which soon found itself in high demand in around 600 stores across the United States.

Nicole started travelling back to Guatemala regularly to procure more fabric for her burgeoning venture. Her visits weren’t simply business transactions. As her connections deepened, she found strong ties with the Mayan community. In essence, she didn’t simply have 22 villages working for her; she was working with them, intertwining their destinies with hers.

Early in her journey, while procuring fabric, she was presented with a book filled with images of local children. orphans who lost their parents to disastrous landslides. This encounter compelled her. In a moment of profound connection during meditation, she knew those were “her kids.” Urgency tugged at her heart, and three days later, she was back on a plane to Guatemala, eager to meet the children she felt responsible for.

As she arrived at the outskirts of the villages nestled in the heart of the jungle, 55 children walked towards her—barefoot, dirty, and only speaking the Mayan dialect. She instantly recognized this fateful meeting was the start of her true life’s work; it was a bond waiting to be cemented through actions.

Her immediate response was to address the most pressing needs. She started accumulating trucks of food and essential supplies, carrying her humanitarian work to new heights. As well as tending to the children, she also fed the stray dogs that had become familiar faces during her stay. She took upon herself the responsibility to cater to the local communities who hungered for aid in the hardest of times. But, this was just the starting point of an epic journey that would expand beyond the borders of these communities.

In a curious twist of fate, the lockdown triggered by the global Covid-19 pandemic, rather than stalling her mission, breathed new life into it. She found herself in the heart of the very communities she sought to support, feeding up to 1000 people a week at the height of the crisis. Amid the growing distress, she sensed another opportunity. As the shackles of the pandemic-induced restrictions began to loosen, she cast her thoughtful gaze towards the villagers of Pacaya Volcano. Aware of their deprived state, severely hit by the tourism freeze, she quickly mobilized resources getting 15,000 pounds of grain for the families and 2,000 pounds of dog food.

From that point onwards, Nicole worked tirelessly to enrich the lives of these villages. She set up Guatemalan Horse Tours, creating a sustainable model for tourism. With these initiatives, Soulshine’s vision was being realized day by day in Guatemala’s vibrant communities.

With a network now connecting 22 villages, Soulshine has poured light into hundreds of lives by taking a keen interest in their welfare— Medical care, education, animal welfare, community building, these became ingrained in Soulshine’s mission. 

The dream is bold and filled with hope. Nicole envisions learning centers in every village where clean spaces, water, and kitchens combine with critical services like clinics and spay & neuter operations for dogs. Corporate sponsors like Pfizer are onboard, playing their essential part in turning Soulshine’s daring vision into reality.

Nicole’s story with Soulshine is a testament to the power of connection, passion, and purpose. As one of the only foreign women who can seamlessly integrate into Mayan villages, she has earned respect and trust. This ‘boots on the ground’ ethos reaches beyond Guatemala too, with potential to serve communities in Honduras and Belize.

And so, this is the story of Soulshine, a story of serendipity, of love for a people and a culture, of profound dedication, of humanity, of creating a significant difference in countless lives. Making an impact, altering lives—Soulshine shines on, harboring dreams and aspirations of many more homes to light up, and many more lives

Nicole Gould Kristmann

Executive Director / Founder

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