Soul Shine Guatemala

Our Story

Our Origins

Just over a decade ago, a unique fabric from a bustling market in Belize captured the heartfelt interest of our founder, Nicole Gould Kristmann. The fabric, with roots in Guatemala, boasted such vibrant sensuousness and rich culture that left a profound impression on her. An accomplished architect and interior designer by profession and a world traveler by passion, Nicole decided to bring a piece of this radiant fabric back home to the United States.

She crafted a saddle pad from the unique fabric and placed it on her horse. The transformation was magical. Struck by both the aesthetic impact and durability of this pad, Nicole commenced production on a larger scale. This distinctive saddle pad resonated deeply with horse enthusiasts and quickly caught the attention of shoppers across 600 stores nationwide.

A Connection Forged

Nicole’s endearing product required her to make regular visits back to Guatemala to gather the enchanting fabric. During these visits, she fostered strong connections with the Mayan communities weaving this fabric, spanning across 22 villages. It was during one of these visits that Nicole came across a book documenting the heartbreaking plight of more than 50 children orphaned due to a landslide. Overwhelmed with an instinctive connection to these children, she returned to Guatemala with truckloads of food, clothes, and shoes as a show of support.

Rising to the Challenge

Through the years, Nicole’s bond with the Mayan communities deepened. When the pandemic struck, she found herself near these communities amidst a lockdown. Fueled by her determination to help these children and the neighboring communities on the brink of starvation, her timely intervention led to vital supply of food feeding up to a thousand people weekly during the peak of the crisis.

Building a Sustainable Future

As the situation gradually improved, Nicole recognized the need for a more lasting solution. Leveraging her rich experience in luxury tourism, she formed ‘Guatemalan Horse Tours.’ This venture creates job opportunities by supporting a family of up to 10 people for each working tour horse while ensuring profits are reinvested into the Mayan villages.

Our Vision Realized​

Today, Soulshine Guatemala stands on the vision Nicole held dear of creating interconnected and self-sustaining communities. With the dedicated aid of corporate sponsors, we are in the process of building multipurpose learning centers throughout the Mayan villages. Each center, costing about $1,000 to staff monthly, aims to be a communal hub for education, healthcare, trade learning and more, while also promoting responsible initiatives such as spaying and neutering to manage animal populations.

Unity and Growth

What began with an entrancement for a remarkable saddle pad has now evolved into a grand vision that touches countless lives. Nicole’s constant engagement with the Mayan communities has made her an embodiment of unity and integration. As she prepares to proliferate this effective model to other nations like Honduras and Belize, our story continues to unfold.

Soulshine Guatemala is a testament to what passion, integration, and perseverance can achieve. We heartily invite you to be a part of our journey, to aid in enabling communities and transforming lives.

Creating Enduring Change Through Our Programs

Explore our diverse initiatives designed to empower individuals, communities, and animals across Guatemala.

Our Donation Drives

This video depicts the white flags used during the pandemic. This means that these families are starving and have no means to obtain food, water, and other necessities. This is still and issue we see today and actively work to help these families become stable again. 

No poverty
Best education
Clean water
Good health